> 资讯


——增强禁毒意识能力,建设绿色无毒未来 长沙轨道交通职业学院经由湖南省人民政府批准成立、教育部备案、长沙市人民政府主管。是一所以轨道类和智能制造类专业为主体,以数字经济类专业和医卫类专业为两翼的一主两......

2024-07-17 11:20:35


引领行业创新,共享钣金资源盛宴 尊敬的业界伙伴们, 随着制造业的不断升级,钣金件网作为冲压钣金、冲压、板金行业的专业中文平台,正以崭新的姿态引领着行业的数字化转型之路。我们深谙行业的脉络,致力于搭建一......

2024-07-17 10:59:40

Mohawk Highlights Sustainability Progress in 2023 Impact Report

CALHOUN, Ga., July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE: MHK) today published its 15th annual impact report, Surfaces with Purpose, which documents the Company’s 2023 progres......

2024-07-17 10:28:36

Io Therapeutics, Inc., presented today results from studies of IRX4204

Io Therapeutics, Inc., presented today results from studies of IRX4204, the company’s phase II clinical development stage, highly selective RXR nuclear receptor agonist compound, supporting its poten......

2024-07-17 10:26:02

Andan Foundation Announces Award for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion in Collaboration with the Massa

ZURICH, Switzerland, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Swiss-based humanitarian non-profit organisation, Andan Foundation, in collaboration with MIT Solve of the Massachusetts Institute of Techn......

2024-07-17 10:23:39



2024-07-17 10:21:43

NetSfere Integrates Microsoft Nuance’s Dragon Medical Speech Recognition Into Its Secure Messaging P

NetSfere Introduces Hands-Free Speech-to-Text Feature Enabling Efficient and Secure Communication of Medical Jargon for Healthcare Professionals NetSfere Integrates Microsoft Nuance’s Dragon Medic......

2024-07-17 10:11:42



2024-07-17 10:11:34


7月14日 ,由财伯乐主办,伯乐遇马集团、HRS卓玥学社联合主办的财伯乐&伯乐遇马税务师事务所品牌发布会在上海闵行区隆重召开。这场盛会不仅标志着财伯乐品牌的正式亮相,更预示着企业服务领域的一次创新和突破。来......

2024-07-17 10:09:29

Tealium signs Strategic Collaboration Agreement with AWS to accelerate AI-driven growth for customer

The strategic collaboration agreement will expand privacy-centric customer data innovation for customers worldwide San Diego, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tealium, the largest independent and ......

2024-07-17 10:09:00