层峦叠嶂,翠林如海。在我国贵州的大山之间,有一座恢宏大气的球面射电望远镜静静伫立。它带着人类对宇宙的好奇和期待,仰望星空,探寻光年之外的射电信号。 它就是FAST,更多时候我们习惯叫它“中国天眼”。作为当......
2024-05-31 17:53:33祝 艳,副主任医师,北京石景山八大处中西医结合医院特聘专家,出诊时间周一、二、三、六、日上午。曾师从山东名老中医刘家义教授,刘力红教授扶阳论坛学员。擅长运用中药治疗各种儿科常见病及多发病。例如:小儿感冒......
2024-05-31 17:46:02With significant cost savings and optimization of IT resources, Malaysian conglomerate reallocates people, time and money towards digital transformation initiatives LAS VEGAS -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- ......
2024-05-31 17:42:42电池制造商现在可以通过高效灵活的方式使用广泛的专利组合权利,涵盖5,000多项专利,囊括两家行业先行企业的关键IP。 匈牙利布达佩斯--(美国商业资讯)-- Tulip Innovation Kft.今天宣布推出新的许可计划,汇集LG E......
2024-05-31 17:36:39战略合并将创建一个领先的全球另类投资平台,将管理的资产增加近一倍,并扩大规模以更好地服务于全球客户群。 克利夫兰和伦敦--(美国商业资讯)-- Boyd Watterson Asset Management, LLC (“Boyd Watterson”) (www......
2024-05-31 17:31:02与Thiel Capital领投的后续融资同时启动,以扩大全球业务范围 新加坡--(美国商业资讯)--专注于提升现代家庭生育之旅的全球生殖健康服务公司Rhea今天宣布正式成立。Rhea是首个端到端生殖健康生态系统,将亚洲的准家......
2024-05-31 17:29:19Danone joins AB InBev, The Coca-Cola Company, Colgate-Palmolive Company & Unilever to launch Cohort 6 of the 100+ Accelerator, combining efforts to develop and scale innovative solutions to our most p......
2024-05-31 17:27:50TOKYO -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- JEOL Ltd. (TOKYO:6951)(President and CEO: Izumi Oi) announces the release of the new electron microscope JEM-120i developed with the concepts of “Compact”, “Easy To Us......
2024-05-31 17:26:02Partnership to facilitate collaborative research in academia and industry to further progress in life sciences Multi-dimensional program to build local research capability and startup ecosystem as......
2024-05-31 17:25:12Jetcraft’s 10th edition predicts 10,307 transactions totaling $70.7B in revenue LONDON -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Business aircraft are spending less time for sale than ever before, according to the l......
2024-05-31 17:24:05