> 资讯

Bitget Wallet Becomes The Second Most Downloaded App Closing in on Binance

Bitget Wallet Surpasses 40M users with 100% Growth in 6 Months, Emerging as A Web3 Gateway Over Crypto Exchanges VICTORIA, Seychelles, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Bitget Wallet, the leading W......

2024-10-17 08:24:50

Vicor introduces new high-density automotive-grade power modules

Three new DC-DC converter power modules enable 48V zonal architectures from 800V battery-powered EVs ANDOVER, Mass., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Vicor has released three automotive-grade power......

2024-10-17 08:23:03

Articul8 AI Signs Strategic Collaboration Agreement with AWS to Deliver Generative AI Solutions to E

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Articul8 AI (Articul8), a Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) enterprise software company, announced today that it has signed a strategi......

2024-10-17 08:20:48

RENASYS™ EDGE Negative Pressure Wound Therapy System wins Red Dot Award for Design

Smith+Nephew (LSE: SN, NYSE: SNN), the global medical technology company, is proud to announce that its RENASYS EDGE Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) System has won the Red Dot Award for Design ......

2024-10-17 08:18:24

DigiAsia Corp. and Digit9 Announce Strategic Collaboration

~ Enhancing Cross Border Payments ~ ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates and NEW YORK, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - DigiAsia Corp. (NASDAQ: FAAS) (“DigiAsia” or the “Company”), a leading Fintech ......

2024-10-17 08:16:25


来源 Athos Therapeutics, Inc Athos宣布其人工智能生成的全新口服G9A抑制剂ATH-063的I期临床试验顶线数据,显示其对强效抗炎调节性T细胞的选择性扩增和激活 ATH-063在所有剂量水平下显著增加了循环调节性T细胞(......

2024-10-17 08:00:11


欧志豪董事长(左)与尹颢慈主席(右)合照 颢慈集团尹颢慈主席已经跟柬埔寨金融管理局监管下微型银行Side Hustle Microfinance PLC 之控股股东欧氏家族,达成收购合并协议,成立商业银行控股公司。 完成该收购合......

2024-10-17 06:35:10


WS在营销的世界里,我一直在寻找那把能够打开客户心扉、实现深度互动的钥匙。海外营销认准乐乐【tg@SHKlele vx-Vai996B】直到我遇到了WhatsApp拉群营销工具,它就像一束光,照亮了我的营销之路,成为了我互动之源的秘......

2024-10-16 22:26:17


WS在科技商业的浩瀚宇宙中,总有一些神奇的时刻,让市场趋势如同魔法般被揭示,为企业带来前所未有的机遇。海外营销认准乐乐【tg@SHKlele vx-Vai996B】而今,一群被誉为“科技魔法师”的精英们,正利用WhatsApp拉群工......

2024-10-16 22:22:23


WS在数字化浪潮席卷的今天,每一位营销者都渴望找到那把打开商业成功之门的钥匙。海外营销认准乐乐【tg@SHKlele vx-Vai996B】而在这个充满无限可能的虚拟仙境中,有一群科技魔法师,他们正用WhatsApp拉群营销工具,编......

2024-10-16 22:18:45