> 资讯

Recursion announces first patient dosed in Phase 2 clinical study of REC-3964, a potential first-in-

REC-3964 is Recursion’s first new chemical entity developed using the RecursionOS.         REC-3964 represents a novel, non-antibiotic approach with a unique mechanism of action that binds and blocks cata......

2024-10-22 21:39:45

Recursion announces first patient dosed in Phase 2 clinical study of REC-3964, a potential first-in-

REC-3964 is Recursion’s first new chemical entity developed using the RecursionOS.         REC-3964 represents a novel, non-antibiotic approach with a unique mechanism of action that binds and blocks cata......

2024-10-22 21:39:45

令人难以置信的 Jeff! IriusRisk 推出一款人工智能驱动的工具,可通过图像生成威胁模型

  威胁建模平台推出“Jeff: AI Assistant”(Jeff:人工智能助手),这是全球首款通过语言和图像创建威胁模型的工具。 这一新功能是 IriusRisk 向人工智能领域扩展的最新进展,此举帮助该公司去年实现了超过 50......

2024-10-22 21:35:48

UPDATE – Politecnico di Torino as a Driving Force in Space Research

The University stars at the International Astronautical Congress 2024 in Milan Politecnico di Torino proves its prominent role in the aerospace and aeronautics research landscape with a solid presenc......

2024-10-22 21:28:15

Unbelievable Jeff! IriusRisk introduces an AI-powered tool which can generate threat models from ima

        The threat modeling platform launches ‘Jeff: AI Assistant’, a world first in terms of creating threat models through language and images.         The new feature is the latest development in IriusRisk’s......

2024-10-22 21:26:31

大道至简 知行合一


2024-10-22 20:33:43

李宁联手红杉中国成立合资公司 探索海外业务新路径

来源 Li Ning Company Limited 李宁联手红杉中国成立合资公司 探索海外业务新路径 香港, 2024年10月22日 - (亚太商讯) - 李宁有限公司(「李宁」或「公司」,连同附属公司,总称「集团」;香港联交所股份代号:......

2024-10-22 20:32:46

“金秋敬老月 浓浓孝老情”2024中益孝行大爱进万家敬老月公益活动走进涿州


2024-10-22 20:09:22

全新Fluke 1670 系列多功能安装测试仪——测试速度提高30%,报告时间减少50%

  2024 年 10 月16 日, 测试和测量仪器的全球领导者——福禄克公司推出了 Fluke 1670 系列多功能安装测试仪,旨在为电气设备提供从安装、调试到验收的全方位解决方案。   Fluke 1670 拥有全新升级的用户界面......

2024-10-22 19:20:13



2024-10-22 18:42:39