> 资讯

Elevate Drone Efficiency with Precision Carbon Fiber Sheet Solutions

As the drone industry continues to push the boundaries of innovation, the choice of materials plays a pivotal role in advancing performance and functionality. Precision Carbon Fiber Sheets have become......

2024-12-13 21:37:56

High-Performance Drones Start with Custom Carbon Fiber Sheets

In the rapidly advancing world of drone technology, building high-performance UAVs requires materials that offer exceptional strength, lightweight properties, and durability. Custom Carbon Fiber Sheet......

2024-12-13 21:10:04



2024-12-13 21:03:18



2024-12-13 20:36:23


张光,男,1983年,丽水青田人,现为浙江省工艺美术大师、一级(高级)技师、丽水市首届绿谷工匠、浙江省工艺美术协会理事、青田县石雕行业协会理事、青田县第十一届政协委员等。 擅长花卉、藤蔓类雕刻,熟练掌握青田石雕......

2024-12-13 20:29:11

SLB OneSubsea获得Petrobras授予的巴西海上布齐奥斯油田海底增压合同

全球能源技术公司SLB (NYSE: SLB)宣布,其OneSubsea合资企业通过竞标获得Petrobras授予的一项合同,将为布齐奥斯(Búzios)油田提供两套海底原海水注入(RWI)系统,以提高该高产油田的采收率。...

2024-12-13 20:09:49

Takeda Spotlights High-Value, Late-Stage Pipeline Accelerating the Development of Potential Transfor

Takeda will host an investor R&D Day today beginning at 8:30 a.m. JST in Tokyo. The meeting will focus on programs in the company’s late-stage pipeline, the transformative value they could deliver to patients, and the market opportunities they represe...

2024-12-13 19:50:09



2024-12-13 19:49:34

NIKE, Inc. & NFL Extend Long-Standing Partnership Through 2038

Renewed partnership to emphasize global expansion, player safety and youth football initiatives DALLAS -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- NIKE, Inc. (NYSE: NKE) and the National Football League (NFL) today ann......

2024-12-13 19:40:43

OrthoLite China入选广东制造业企业500强

高性能舒适鞋类解决方案领域的全球领导者OrthoLite®非常自豪地宣布,OrthoLite China (OCN)已入选2024年广东省制造业企业500强。 该榜单由广东省企业联合会和广东省企业家协会联合发布。数据显示,上榜企业总营收......

2024-12-13 19:37:28