2024-06-24 21:24:06KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, June 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: VCIG) (“VCI Global”, “VCIG”, or the “Company”), has signed an agreement to invest up to US$30 million in Tal......
2024-06-24 20:50:41KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, June 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: VCIG) (“VCI Global”, “VCIG”, or the “Company”), has signed an agreement to invest up to US$30 million in Tal......
2024-06-24 20:50:41Advances Sonoco’s Shareholder Value Creation Strategy Through Disciplined and High Return Capital Investment Transaction Value of Approximately $3.9 Billion Represents a Multiple of 7.3x 2024 Expe......
2024-06-24 20:47:38不久前百万级网红博主王红权星因“清朗行动“被封杀,在账号被封禁的同时伴随的是对他及家人恶意满满的谩骂,并有人虚构他在网络上的十几种身份… 账号被封之后王红权星没有公开回应过此事件,但在24日零点时,......
2024-06-24 20:36:106月24日,全球领先的物联网整体解决方案供应商移远通信宣布,正式推出其两款4G智能模组产品——SC200V系列和SC200U系列。 本新闻稿包含多媒体。此处查看新闻稿全文: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/2024......
2024-06-24 20:25:20Buying illegal tobacco products is in danger of becoming normalized, with 43% of adult smokers surveyed comfortable buying cigarettes, even if they know they are produced or sold illegally. Govern......
2024-06-24 20:21:30据全球领先的信息技术咨询公司Gartner发布的最新全球信息技术服务市场份额报告(Gartner® Market Share: Services, Worldwide), 按照营业收入的指标来计算,FPT集团被列入2023亚洲信息技术服务品牌价值50强名单。FPT......
2024-06-24 20:20:27LIVTENCITY Is the First and Only Post-Transplant Anti-CMV Treatment Approved in Japan That Targets/Inhibits UL97 Protein Kinase1 CMV Is One of the Most Common and Serious Post-transplant Infection......
2024-06-24 20:19:27Bayer和Solynta已达成协议,在肯尼亚和印度市场合作推动实生马铃薯种子的商业化和分销。此次合作标志着Bayer进入2000万公顷的全球马铃薯市场,同时也是Bayer与开发优质杂交马铃薯品种的荷兰公司Solynta的首次合作。 ......
2024-06-24 20:12:46