> 资讯

Io Therapeutics, Inc., presented data from studies of IRX4204, the company's phase II clinical

Io Therapeutics, Inc., presented data from studies of IRX4204, the company's phase II clinical stage RXR agonist for treatment of normal aging-related neurodegeneration, at the FASEB Science Research ......

2024-09-19 10:35:58

Io Therapeutics, Inc., presented data from studies of IRX4204, the company's phase II clinical

Io Therapeutics, Inc., presented data from studies of IRX4204, the company's phase II clinical stage RXR agonist for treatment of normal aging-related neurodegeneration, at the FASEB Science Research ......

2024-09-19 10:35:58


9月18日晚,农发行常德市分行“凝心聚力跟党走 争当建功排头兵”气排球比赛决赛成功举行。经过一个半月的激烈角逐,最终有4支队伍脱颖而出进入决赛,分别是A组的市分行一队和津市市支行代表队,以及B组的安乡县支行代......

2024-09-19 10:29:34

9.19主动脉夹层意识日 | 最全主动脉夹层科普!“静默杀手”尽在掌控

  1955年,科学家爱因斯坦因主动脉瘤破裂引发脑溢血逝世,享年76岁。   1971年,地质学家李四光因主动脉瘤破裂逝世,享年82岁。   1986年,美国女排名将海曼在赛场上因马凡综合征引发主动脉破裂去世,年仅31......

2024-09-19 10:28:25



2024-09-19 10:23:58


黑松露以其无法人工种植的特性,保持着那份独有的珍贵与神秘。它不仅是味蕾上的极致享受,更是人类探索自然、尊重自然、与自然和谐共生的智慧结晶。 每年11月开始,深邃森林的秘密宝物被轻轻揭开,那藏匿于地下的“黑......

2024-09-19 10:23:13

First cases using Smith+Nephew's new CATALYSTEM™ Primary Hip System completed; surgeons hail pr

Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN), the global medical technology company, today announces promising surgeon feedback from the first completed cases utilizing its new CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System. Desig......

2024-09-19 10:17:39

First cases using Smith+Nephew's new CATALYSTEM™ Primary Hip System completed; surgeons hail pr

Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN), the global medical technology company, today announces promising surgeon feedback from the first completed cases utilizing its new CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System. Desig......

2024-09-19 10:17:39

Siltrax Launches Groundbreaking Silicon-Based Fuel Cell Technology

With US$10 million investment round led by Australia's Clean Energy Finance Corporation, Siltrax aims to revolutionize the hydrogen industry with its patented silicon bipolar plate technology SYDNEY,......

2024-09-19 10:10:02

Zoom and Mitel announce strategic partnership to deliver differentiated AI-first hybrid communicatio

Mitel selects Zoom to jointly develop an exclusive hybrid offering with bi-directional capabilities between Zoom Workplace and Mitel communications platforms; enables Mitel customers with a path to tr......

2024-09-19 10:08:34