> 财商


近日,创新数字金融基础设施平台PhotonPay光子易宣布与全球领先的供应链金融科技解决方案提供商联易融达成战略合作。双方将充分融合 PhotonPay光子易一体化支付解决方案与联易融的跨境供应链金融服务,携手为企业提供......

2025-01-10 10:57:49



2025-01-10 10:26:52


中国保险事业与保险科技发展已行至中游,正在从高增速向高质量切换,更需行稳致远,诚信、专业、价值、合作等新征程必备品质。 近日,2025年分子保险科技节“赤子之心”在厦门举办,活动聚焦务实且先进的解决方案、......

2025-01-10 10:15:56

Carbon Fiber Global’s Cutting Solutions: Delivering Precision Carbon Fiber Sheets for UAV Manufactur

The UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) industry is experiencing rapid growth as drones become essential in a variety of sectors, including aerospace, defense, logistics, agriculture, and entertainment. As ......

2025-01-09 21:03:59

PackManuf: Custom Cardboard Packaging Solutions to Boost Your Brand Visibility

In today’s competitive marketplace, branding and product presentation are essential for standing out. Whether in a retail environment or through e-commerce, the packaging you choose for your products......

2025-01-09 20:52:44

ChipsX: Your Worldwide Partner for Sourcing Electronic Components

In the fast-paced world of electronics, sourcing reliable and high-quality components is vital for the success of every project. Whether you're working on a cutting-edge consumer device, an industrial......

2025-01-09 20:42:20

ChipsX: The Global Leader in Electronic Component Distribution

In today’s rapidly advancing technological world, access to high-quality electronic components is more important than ever. Whether designing consumer electronics, industrial systems, automotive devi......

2025-01-09 20:40:32


1月8日,开思与全球领先的轮胎制造商德国马牌在深圳举行了“驰骋万里 链动未来”深度战略合作签约仪式,并宣布双方将继续深化战略合作,驱动数字化供应链升级,赋能修理厂渠道,进一步提升消费者购胎和用胎体验。 ......

2025-01-09 17:27:45


阿联酋阿布扎比2025年1月9日 /美通社/ -- 阿布扎比宣布突破性举措,通过提供有利的商业环境,使私营部门能够抓住机遇,充分发挥潜力,为阿联酋蓬勃发展的“猎鹰经济”助力。  Ground-breaking initiatives to em......

2025-01-09 16:58:02


上海2025年1月9日 /美通社/ -- 1月7日,西藏日喀则市定日县发生6.8级地震后,自然堂集团迅速行动,于1月8日联合中华环境保护基金会,在上海市第十批援藏干部联络组的指导下,紧急向灾区捐赠120万元,专门用于采购灾......

2025-01-09 16:26:57